
Keep Holding On

As much as trials suck to go through, it seems like when you've overcome one, you always come out a better person because of it. While you're going through the trial, whether it's something like a loss of a loved one, low self esteem, break up, or something so much bigger, it can seem impossible to defeat. But you need to remember, and keep telling yourself, that God would never put you through anything you couldn't handle. One of the hardest things for me to remember is that my life is not that hard. Sometimes I think I have it so much worse than others, that my life is so tough, boo hoo, all that crap,so I often have to tell myself that, 1.You have absolutely NO idea what is going through other's heads or behind closed doors, and 2. That only means that you are a stronger person than some others are and God knows that. I'm not saying that remembering any of this will make a trial seem easier, or make it simply disappear, I'm just trying to tell not only myself, but those who I know are struggling right now, that everyone goes through it, and everyone survives it. There are ways to cope, and you will be okay in the end.

One song that I always listen to when I'm at my lowest low and want to curl up in my bed and never get out is Avril Lavigne's song, Keep Holding On. Super extremely cheesy, I know, but cheesy is not always a bad thing. Really though, the lyrics to this song can pull me out of anything. You're not alone, together we stand, I'll be by your side, you know I'll take your hand. When it gets cold, and it feels like the end, there's no place to go, you know I won't give in. Keep holding on, 'cause you know we'll make it through. Just stay strong, 'cause you know I'm here for you.

Awww, I think this is the absolute cheesiest post I have ever written. I don't care, I love it.

. . .Oh wow, I sound a bit scatterbrained in here as well. Hope it all can be understood in the way I wanted it to be. . .

Not sure how to end this. I guess what I'm trying to tell myself is I'm awesome and I can overcome anything. And hey, you're awesome and can overcome anything too I bet, 'cause if you're reading this, that means we're friends, and I don't have a single friend who is not freaking awesome!


Long Overdue

Wow. . . First of all let me apologize for not writing for so long. I have had a lot of, I guess you could call them, life changing events happen to me recently. I've been so busy I haven't been able to write. BUT, I finally found a little time when I can sit down, put my feet up, drink some diet coke, and write away.

  • I have been working 50-60 hours a week at work. It's been challenging as I get so exhausted sometimes, but I do enjoy it. I get to drive a lot with my job, so that's a huge plus. Three days a week I go to Bountiful twice,  two days a week I go to Riverton twice, and all five days I go to Kearns, Taylorsville, and West Jordan two times. I used to go to Eagle Mountain and Pleasant Grove twice a week, but that part of my work ended. Hopefully I'll get a new group going in Lehi with the Pleasant Grove client also. More driving, woo! Besides the driving, I also have been having a lot of fun with my clients. It's been crazy at work since our day program doubled from five clients to eleven. The paperwork sucks, but the clients are so entertaining! My favorite so far was when one of our clients was using the bathroom, we heard him yell, "APPLE PIE!" For no reason, no reason at all. It was awesome. (Just an FYI for those who don't know, I run a day program for handicapped adults.)
  • I went to my first concert that was not for a local band. I went to BRUNO MARS!! He is gorgeous, he is talented, he is a great dancer, he has a great body, he is. . . sigh. . . I'm in love with Bruno Mars. If he weren't a druggie, I'd be trying to convert and marry the crap out of him!
  • I am single. No more missionary. At first it was only his decision, but as time went on, I realized that this is exactly what I needed to be truly happy. I need to be FREE. I need to let myself do what I want and not worry about anything else. I don't want any commitments with anyone. I want to be my own self, worry about my own self, and have fun for once. So. . . boys out there. . .  I'm single. ;)
  • I bought these really awesome jeans from The Fashion Corner. It's a warehouse located in Draper, UT at 12577 S. 265 W. #3B, for anyone interested. My jeans are way cute and look designer, but they were only $4O each! I have never tried on a pair of jeans and been happy with the feel and fit, and I was VERY pleased right away with this place! They'd better stick around forever, because that's where I'm buying my jeans from now on.
  • Katy Perry's new music video for TGIF is genius and I love it and recommend that all three of you who are reading this right now, go watch it as soon as you're finished reading! Do it! I Dare You!!
  • I love He is We. I know I'm behind on finding them, but their song Happily Ever After is adorable and I can't get enough of it. I am a bit of a closet romantic. I pretend not to care and I hate PDA and I act like anything lovey is ewwwwww, but secretly. . . I can't get enough of it!!!
  • A NEW artist that I found who is simply amazing, is Karmin. Look her up on youtube by searching for Karmincovers. I recommend her cover of Look At Me Now. It's awesome and her personality is unique. She's very entertaining to watch and I guarantee she'll have SOMETHING you'll like. She does a lot of covers, but she also has original songs and then some funny videos. She's so awesome.