
Oh just this one update.

No one reads this.

I don't even mind.

Update of my life. I got a job offer in St. George, amazing right?? I was going to take it, I wanted to take it, I should have taken it, but for some reason I couldn't get myself to take it! There's something about where I am right now that is just, right. Not sure if it has to do with my sister, some friends, my clients at work, or what, but I just need to stay here. I still want to move to St. George more than anything, but, it can wait a little while.

I am dating people and I am loving it! There are some I date that I most definitely like more than others, but most every guy is pretty awesome. It's so different than my past dating experiences. I'm used to attracting all sorts of creepers, really, ALL sorts, (nasty indian band guy, in trouble with cops guy, not show up twice in two days guy, make out psycho, too nice guy, girl from behind guy, guy who sends friend to go on date instead of him and doesn't bother telling you guy, and guy who talks on phone in theater during a movie while on the date, to name a few.) But lately I've been attracting normalish guys! By normalish I mean they're not normal enough to be boring, and not weird enough to be in the psycho category, does that make sense? Yes. For ONCE in my life, dating is really fun!

My job is getting crazy. I'm not sure what it is, but the clients have gone mad! Today alone I had one client open the door while I was driving, one client hit me while I was trying to drive, one client call the police, one client tangle her fingers into my hair, one client attack me by scratching, grabbing, and trying to bite, one client have to get restrained by 3 guys, and one client have a major freak out. I love my job, and all though the days are getting more and more difficult, I am trying my best to help these clients, because they deserve someone to treat them good and prove to them that you're not there for the money, you actually want to help them. As much as I talk bad about my job on the hardest days, I really appreciate them! If it weren't for the hard days, I wouldn't appreciate the good ones!

My little niece turns 2 today. She is flipping adorable, and she's having a Yo Gabba Gabba birthday party tomorrow night that I am a little too excited for! Happy Birthday Alyssa!!

I found something that I love, It is an amazing website, and you don't have to be subscribed to it to enjoy it, (I'm not!) It's basically an electronic pin board where people post their favorite things. It's amazing, you will love it!


  1. I love pinterest! I read your posts! So if I'm the only be it!

  2. I read your blog so count me in :) and yay for normal guys-way better than creeps lol!
