

When Zachary left on his mission I felt like my life had ended. We had spent at least a little time together almost every day for two years. We were inseparable. We were perfect, and he made me happier than anything else. I remember saying goodbye to him in his driveway, (most difficult moment ever,) and then bawling the entire way home. Once I got home I sat with my dad and cried while I watched Glee, (haha.) I don't think I got any sleep at all the first few nights he was gone. All I could think about was how difficult the next two years were going to be, all alone. I'm the type of girl, correction, I was the type of girl that once I'd get a boyfriend I'd stop hanging out with all of my other friends and I'd focus all my time and energy on the boy. (Not a good thing, but it's how I was.)

So there I was, my boyfriend, best friend, only friend, was on a mission and I was completely alone for two years. . .At first. After a few nights of crying myself to sleep, my little sister, Brooklyn, began talking to me a little. She said she wanted to have a sleepover in my room, so we did. And I realized something, when she slept in my room with me I was able to keep myself from crying. The first couple months Zach was gone she slept in my room a lot. I don't know if she did it because she knew it kept me from crying, or because she just wanted to hang out with me, but she helped me so much more than she knows.

Two months after Zach left I moved my bedroom from the basement to the upstairs, across the hall from hers. As soon as I was moved upstairs, we became best friends. She would always leave me cute little notes on my bed and door telling me how much she loved me or how awesome I am, she'd sneak into my room at night to watch movies with me, and we went everywhere together. Our favorite thing to do was go to Allred and J.Wride concerts, (we LOVE these bands.)

A year after Zach had been gone, I moved out of my parent's house. The hardest thing about this was leaving my little sister. It was so fun living across the hall from her, and even though I only moved a little more than five minutes away, it still sucks not being five seconds from her. She got a cell phone for Christmas so now we're able to text whenever we want, and we still go to concerts and do other things together, we're still best friends. And that makes me so happy because I was so worried when I moved out that we wouldn't be close anymore. It is a little harder to do things now, because I'm so busy and she can't just hang out with me for a couple hours every night, but we do still get together when we can.

I love Brooklyn more than she knows. She is the coolest little sister and I love that I can tell people my best friend is my little sister. She is the most beautiful, awesome, amazing sister ever!

I love you Brooklyn!!


  1. You guys are so cute! I envy the relationship that you have with your little sister :)

  2. Aw, the relationship you have with your sister sounded like mine and my big sisters but high school happened and we drifted apart. ANDDD!!! I read this after getting in a sort-of fight with her hahah but this blog gave me the strength to go apologize to her:) I love this post!
