
Don't Worry, Be Happy

A few weeks back I was working with my kids and the lesson that day was on being happy. We talked about what real happiness is and how to find it. The kids had been having a hard time with being happy that week so I encouraged them to write a list of 50 things that make them happy. A list that they can pull out and look at when they're sad or having a bad day. They wrote it a lot quicker than I expected, and it really did help cheer them up. They had forgotten about all the sweet little things in life that make us smile. Things that we often take for granted. I went home that night feeling satisfied with the lesson, knowing that I had helped them, at least for a day, remember how to be happy. But as I was making that 35 minute drive back to my house I got thinking. I take way too much for granted, and I always overlook the little things in life. I tend to dwell on the negative. Too too too much. Lately it's gotten even worse as I've had a few more trials jump into my life. Nothing I can't handle, but I sure complain like I'm not going to be able to deal with it. So, I'm trying something new. Somehting that I hope will help me become a happier, more positive person. I am going to write a list of 50 things that make me happy. Things I can think about and do any time I'm feeling down. I know it's not something that will make everything better, but it's a start right?

1. Letters
2. Coloring Books
3. Movies
4. Driving
5. Fun socks
6. Yummy food
7. Wrapping paper
8. Painting my nails
9. Having my hair played with
10. Robots
11. Days off work
12. Plane rides
13. Phone calls
14. Writing in cursive
15. Being organized
16. Baking
17. Yahtzee, Scrabble, and Jenga
18. Taking a nap
19. Sleepovers
20. Taking pictures
21. Music Videos
22. Wearing sweats and a hoodie
23. Laughing hysterically
24. Word searches
25. Getting hugs
26. Zumba
27. Brushing my teeth
28. Chewing Wrigley's Original Bubble Gum
29. Giving and receiving compliments
30. Subway sandwiches
31. My friends

32. Baths
33. Singing at the top of my lungs
34. Making watches
35. Getting good grades
36. Finishing a great book
37. Making lists
38. Losing weight
39. School supplies
40. Slinkies
41. Magazines
42. Drawing and Painting
43. Ikea
44. Slolum Skiing
45. Shooting
46. Boyfriend and his family
47. Warm weather
48. Downtown
49. Trying something new
50. Remembering good memories

So now that my list is finished, I challenge you to write one. Not only is it fun to write, (I do like writing lists,) but I honestly feel it really helps you remember not to take the littlest things in life for granted. Also, I'd like to know if anyone else has any advice on ways to be happy? Let me know! K?

Thanks! S'much!

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