

I have started many blogs, and each one has started with the same sentence:

"I have started many blogs, but have given up on all of them. I am determined to keep this one going."

So as you can see, none of those blogs worked out. SO I will NOT be starting this blog with that sentence. Actually, I'm thinking of heading in the other direction. I will say this, I have started many blogs, and failed at them. SO I don't guarantee this one will continue. If I write faithfully for a while and one day just stop, no worries, I did not fall off the face of the earth, I did not crash in a car and die, I simply got bored of that blog and decided to start a new one.

Now, enough about my blog history. . .

My life is not boring, but it is nowhere near interesting. I am in a long distance relationship, yes. Frown upon it if you like, it will only last 7 more months. Not because I have somehow predicted the future and discovered we will be breaking up in October, but because he is serving a mission and will be returning home from Paraguay on October 19th. Go him!

I am not a fan of the color pink. You will hardly see me using it for anything, you won't see me coloring with a tickle-me-pink crayon, and I very rarely wear the putrid color. Why do I hate it so? Maybe because I was obsessed with it for so long that it just wore me out. My favorite color is now purple. Purple, not lavendar, not maroon, not burgundy. Simply, purple.

I am in love with three things: color, monsters, and robots. As I am typing this I am sitting in my bedroom that looks like a rainbow threw up on it, with 9 unique canvases of painted monsters on the wall that yes, I did myself, wearing a tshirt that has robots all over it. Loving this situation? Very much so.

I have an addiction to Subway sandwiches and movies. I own more movies than I know what to do with and I'd rather spend my money going out to movies than buying groceries. (You should see my fridge. I think there's a gogurt and some mustard in there.) In the past two weeks I have gone to Subway about 8 times for lunch. I always get the same thing. 6" veggie on wheat with provolone; lettuce, tomato, cucumber, pickles, banana peppers and olives, with a little mustard. And if I have a few extra dollars, I get the baked Sour Cream and Onion Lays and a Diet Coke. Question of the day: Am I a vegetarian? No I am a carnivore. BUT I did quit eating meat for a while once and I discovered I like veggie subs more than turkey. Why? Not a clue. Just love it tons I do!

I work with some interesting people. I do love it. Today at work for 5 hours I worked on keeping one of my client's from turning her hand into hamburger. By day I work with special needs adults, and by night I work with children that need help with their social skills. I do love the clients I work with and would do anything for the little buggars.

My mom is from New Zealand. Pretty awesome, right? My dad served a mission in Australia so in 2001 I got to go to New Zealand and Australia with my family for three and a half weeks. It was awesome and I loved it. I wish I were a little older than I was at the time though (11 years,) because I did take advantage of the vacation and didn't document it how I wish I had. Most my pictures of the trip consist of ducks at Hamilton pond. Cause I guess I thought ducks in NZ looked different from ducks in UT? Wonderful.

Well that's about it for me. Will post some fun stories in the near future.

1 comment:

  1. I love your writing, you are very talented when it comes to expressing yourself....not boring at all! Love ya!
