

I have some good friends, I do!

Brooklyn is the best friend that everyone wants. Not only is she super fun and acts way mature for her age, but she is also my little sister. We didn't always get along, but we've been super close for almost a year now. She is hilarious and we share the same interests. It's impossible not to be myself around her and she doesn't hide how much she cares. She's beautiful and the coolest little girl ever.

Every girl wants a best guy friend. Jordan is mine, and I am so lucky to have him. He's fun to be around and makes me happy. He is constantly making me laugh and I love that. (Funny guys are the best guys!) He occasionally makes me feel stupid, but honestly, who doesn't make me feel stupid? Ha. . . he's very honest, which is very good for me, and he's such an amazing guy. (He's also single and quite the catch ladies!!)

Leshabird is the best! She is gorgeous, loud, and adorable. She is the only person I can be anywhere with and be my complete self. She brings the loud out of me and I love it. (We even danced on a jumbotron together!) I love this girl and would do anything for her!

Kristin is the best friend that everyone needs. She is the most caring, sweet, thoughtful, and honestly nice (not fake nice) person you could ever meet. She cares about everyone and has good things to say about every person she meets. She is beautiful and just the best and I love her!

Zachary is not only my best friend, but my missionary. He is extremely smart, down to earth, has the best sense of humor, and is very thoughtful. He is a great match for me and we are just awesome when we're together. We have a ton of the same interests, but enough different ones that everything is still interesting. We've been best friends for years and years and together for years. He is the ying to my yang, he's the right shoe and I'm the left, he's my other half. I love this guy.

My friends are the best, and I love them so stinking much! I wish I could go on and on about every single one of my friends that I love, but this post would never end!

Aren't best friends amazing??


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