
My Bucket List

1. Write my life story.
2. Tour a real haunted house
3. Go skydiving
4. Go on a roadtrip to another state
5. Participate in a food fight
6. Get married in the temple
7. Go to Germany
8. Get a picture with fireworks in the background
9. Sing in a karaoke bar
10. Shake hands with a monkey
11. Write a children's book
12. Volunteer in a vineyard
13. Try surfing
14. Catch a fish
15. Paint a self portrait
16. Experience an earthquake
17. Paint a mural
18. Get my fortune told
19. Live in a different country for at least 6 months
20. Go hang gliding
21. Bury a time capsule
22. Go skinny dipping
23. Be an extra in a movie
24. Swim with something big (dolphins, sharks, etc.)
25. Take a cooking class
26. Eat Escargot
27. Photograph an endangered species
28. Own a dog
29. Run away for a day
30. Buy a star
31. Attend a music festival in another country
32. Spend the night in a historic hotel
33. Stay out all night and go to work the next day without having gone home
34. Learn to ride a unicycle
35. Visit a concentration camp
36. Be an audience member of a talk show
37. Set off a fire extinguisher
38. Ride a mechanical bull
39. Gamble in Vegas
40. Learn to dive into a swimming pool
41. Visit Graceland
42. Go horseback riding
43. Take a shower under a waterfall
44. Visit Area 51
45. Solve a Rubik's cube
46. Spend Christmas on vacation
47. Participate in a protest
48. Learn to play a song on the guitar
49. Buy some scratchers
50. Read the Book of Mormon
51. Dye my hair black
52. Teach someone illiterate to read
53. Eat some chocolate covered bugs
54. Climb an active volcano
55. Make a quilt
56. Run a 10k
57. Go zorbing
58. Ride a Tandem bicycle
59. Plant a tree
60. Get a picture in front of the Whitehouse
61. Go to Sea World
62. Own and be able to use a pogo stick
63. Learn sign language
64. Make 1000 paper cranes
65. Try fencing
66. Get a new car
67. Send a message in a bottle
68. Write a song
69. Learn to belly dance
70. Spend a day at a spa
71. See Cirque du Soleil
72. Eat a hot dog from a hot dog stand
73. Sleep one night in a hammock
74. Learn to drive stick
75. Ride in a limousine
76. Spend a week with all electronics off
77. Get a photograph with a major celebrity
78. Buy a house
79. Wear a bikini
80. Take a self defense class
81. Try gouda cheese
82. Go on a cruise
83. Ride the Stratosphere in Vegas
84. Spend a weekend in a cabin with my love
85. Participate in a Chinese Fire Drill
86. Hold a tarantula
87. Build a snow fort
88. Complete a 1000 piece puzzle
89. Sell something to a pawn shop
90. Go ice fishing
91. Color an entire coloring book
92. Ride in a helicopter
93. Learn to make some balloon animals
94. Go dancing and NOT be self conscious
95. Buy something from a flea market
96. Go swimming in a public fountain
97. Splurge on an accessory
98. Make homemade ice cream
99. Visit every temple in Utah
100. Be a mother


  1. Candice!!! I've done 15 things on your bucket list! It's inspired me to make my own!

  2. All I can say is, Wow! That's quite the list and good luck!
