
The Month of May

I cannot wait for May! It is going to be a fantastic month! There are quite a few things going on that I am freaking out about!
To start, the weather will be nicer and that means more sun, more heat, less jackets! (I love Spring!)

I have made so many friends since Zachary has left, and I love them all to death! The first weekend in May I get to go hang out with some of them and I am so excited! These girls bring out the best in me and make me so happy, I can't wait to be around them!

Allred is playing in May and I am hoping so bad that I will be able to go to it! It has been so long since I've been to one of his concerts! Too long!

Spring semester of school is ending! I will be done with school for, quite a while. I am taking a break to get some of my life organized, get some more money saved, take some time for me, and find ways to be happy. Being happy is something I often struggle with, and I am very excited to be a little more stress free and be able to focus on myself a little more. Woo!

I get to go on a tour of a fire station and the zoo for work and I am so excited! It will be so fun, (as long as none of the clients have any behaviors,) I love the zoo! And firefighters!

Mother's day is in May! I am not  mother, but I have one! And I got her a pretty awesome gift. (I love my mom!) But also, missionaries get to call their families on Mother's day, and some of the lucky girlfriends get invited to the houses to talk to their missionary also. I'm one of the lucky ones, and I am so excited! It will be our last phone call, and then five months later we'll be able to talk face to face again! I am getting so anxious and impatient and EXCITED!

I will be paying off most of my car loan! I am paying extra on my loan this month and in May, so that by June my car will be paid off! No more car payments and more money to save! Heck yes!

I was lucky enough to get a ticket to Bruno Mars' concert at the end of May, (thank you so so much mom!!)So I will get to go to that with my best friend in the entire world, my little sister, Brooklyn! I love her and I love Bruno Mars, so it will be so fun! Also, neither of us have been to a concert this big so it should be pretty exciting!

Wooo! Can May just get here faster PLEASE!?

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