
I Love Love Love It.

I love making lists, it's one of my favorite things to do. That being said, I decided to make a list. This is a list of my favorite simple things. Most of which are things that I would do anything for. I love my favorite things.
  • Bubble gum. Not minty gum, not just any boring chewing gum. Wrigley's Classic Bubble Gum. When I have it, I go through about a pack a day. (Makes me sound a bit like a smoker. Bahaha.) It's super addicting, and even though the flavor goes away fast, it's tastes amazing.
  • Kitchen supplies. I don't know what it is about kitchen supplies that I love so much, but I get way too excited every time I get something new for my kitchen. My parents gave me a container for my cereal for Easter and I was so excited!!
  • Slinkies. They can keep me busy for hours. I used to have one, but some kids got a hold of it and sort of destroyed it. Mine was a purple plastic one, but the metal ones are definitely the best. They're almost therapeutic for me. I get anxious and stressed extremely easy, but keeping my hands busy usually help calm me down. Who wouldn't love a slinky?
  • New Music. I'll listen to the radio, but it's not so much my favorite. What I really like is looking for new artists or songs; and I really love acoustics, covers, and instrumental songs. They're almost always better than the original, (at least the ones I find are.)
  • Downtown. I love going downtown. Driving around down there in the summer time, listening to some awesome music, and having someone awesome with you, is the perfect day for me. I really love Sugarhouse park, and there's a Red Robin downtown that just makes me happy every time I drive past it, (cute memory there.) Duh, I want to go for a drive downtown now!
  • Earrings. Whether they're big and chunky or little studs, I love earrings I can't live without them. When I don't wear earrings I feel naked, like something isn't right, and that makes me have a bad day. Because feeling naked in front of people is not a good feeling.
  • Movies. I have a horrible addiction to movies. I try not to go to Blockbuster because I always end up leaving with the 4 for $20 deal, and Walmart's $5 bin is a disaster. If I see a movie in there that I've seen once and thought it was all right, watched when I was little, or have never seen but thinks it looks decent, I buy it. I probably haven't watched 15% of my movie collection, because I've never really had a desire to actually sit and watch them. But they always seemed like a good investment at the time.
  • Notebooks. I like notebooks. I love doodling. I love writing nonsense. I don't let people go through my notebooks because they're usually filled with stupid drawings and random thoughts I felt like writing down. But I love doing it!
  • People watching. If you haven't done it, you seriously need to. I can be really shy or seem extremely antisocial, but I'm not really, (ok I am.) But sometimes I'm not, sometimes I'm just watching you or people around you and analyzing what they're doing. So just so you know, if you catch me staring at you, I'm not a creeper. I'm just quietly judging you. (Not really, I try not to judge, but I do try to figure you out.)
  • Boy's hair. I don't know why I'm so obsessed with it, but it is so fun to play with it's not even funny. And it's always really soft, (well, depending on who it is I guess. But every guy's hair I've ever played with is awesome.) It's way too fun and I can't get enough of it.
That's all. Just ten. Ten of my favorite simple things.

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