
A few things that happened this week.

  • I watched the movie I'm Reed Fish. It's one of my favorites starring Jay Baruchel, Alexis Bleidel, and Schuyler Fisk. It's a true story about a boy, Reed Fish, who lives in small town, Mudd Meadows. He's engaged to his high school sweetheart, but then one of their friends comes home from college and he sort of gets torn between the two girls. It's a little depressing and slow in a few spots, but there's a good twist to it that makes it fantastic and worth watching the entire thing.
  • I went into Math class and the girl sitting next to me says, "Look at my socks." I looked, and it turned out we had the same exact socks on. If you know me, you know that I do not wear matching socks, so this was kinda funny. Same brand, same blue and pink socks, ha.
  • I went to the Clark Planetarium and Gateway with my girls for work. They had a lot of fun in the planetarium, but they seemed to love going into Build-A-Bear and Justice a lot more. I had fun with them and I also decided I do not go downtown enough! I love it there!
  • I found out if I pay a little extra this month and next month towards my car loan, then I will have my loan paid off by the end of June. This is so exciting because I have been paying it for two years and I am so ready to start being able to save more money!
  • I found sock monkey beanie babies, and I want one. I also want the panda bear pillow pet. I can't get over how cute it is!
  • This week was much harder to follow the diet than last week, no idea why, but it was. I only lost one pound. I decided that I am not eating enough at the right times and it's causing problems. If I were eating the right amount then maybe I wouldn't gain when I ate one french fry or a piece of pizza. I'm not writing down what I eat anymore on paper, but I keep it in my phone, just so that I can keep track of how many calories I eat each day. I still drink 100oz. of water and don't eat after 8pm, so that's awesome. My biggest problem though has been . . .my nutella. I love it. I've been putting it on everything, (ok not everything, but I've been eating more than I should, no wonder I didn't lose much,) and it wasn't until yesterday that I brought up the courage to look at the calories. YIKES! Luckily I didn't have much left so I just chucked it, and hopefully now that my biggest temptation is gone I'll be able to do better. Cross my fingers!
  • I got pushed out of a van by one of my clients. Luckily it was not in motion.
  • I went to a boutique with my mom, sister, and soon to be sister-in-law. I should not have. I bought some awesome new headbands, rings, and a peacock necklace that is gorgeous! I also made my mom pick out her mother's day gift so I got that all out of the way!

1 comment:

  1. You always lose more the very first week...then it's a very gradual loss after that, I know, depressing! You look great, though and I think very healthy--just keep eating good healthy food, you are inspiring me! I had lots of fun with you girls today, thanks for coming with us.
